Selected Essays

“Imagine a Girl”

The Tusculum Review. Coming in 2023.

“Camping and Building Powerful Connections at Bull Trout Lake”

The AutoEthnographer. October, 2023.

“Georgia on My Mind”

Exponent II. Fall 2022. (paywall)


“Postcards From Viterbo”

Eclectica. January, 2022.

“A Profile of Robin Wall Kimmerer”

Literary Mama. July, 2021.

“When Families Split Red & Blue: We’re Fighting a Heart-to-Heart Battle”

The Idaho Statesman. January, 2021. (paywall)

“A Good Paddling: It’s Easy to Find Idaho’s Simple Joys from a Paddle Board on the River”

The Idaho Statesman. September, 2020. (paywall)

“Backwards Pioneers”

Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought. Spring, 2019.

“Fear Factor”

By Common Consent (blog). May, 2019.

“The Primary Program”

By Common Consent (blog). November, 2018.

“Exclusion of Muslims: Unfortunate Echoes in American History”

The Idaho Statesman. February, 2017. (paywall)

“The Province of Little Children”

The Idaho Statesman. September, 2016.

“The Dream Which Woke the Woman”

Feisty After Forty-Five: The Best Blogs from Midlife Women. Mill Park Publishing, 2016.

“The Refugee Family”

Boise @ One Five Zero: Essays and Poems from the City of Trees. Donning Company Publishers, 2013.

On Being. American Public Media. February, 2011.

“What it Means to Be Mormon”

The Washington Post. October, 2011.


July Juneau Mom on the Mt. Juneau trail